1. How do i get started?
To register for a FREE Membership, simply signup to Startly above and your account is ready to go. For 30-Days you can explore the entire platform including all of its Premium Tools for FREE on the house
Within less than 5 clicks you can start your first project. Our guided setup runs you through defining your concept using the Lean Business Canvas.
1. How do i get started?
To register for a FREE Membership, simply signup to Startly above and your account is ready to go. For 30-Days you can explore the entire platform including all of its Premium Tools for FREE on the house
3. Will I have to pay for updates?
Any feature available at the time of your signup date, will be included in your current pricing. No need to worry about the constantly expanding set of features and services. Only those who sign up at a later date, will have to pay extra for new features.
5. Do you have a refund policy?
Indeed we do. If you're not happy after 30-days actively using our platform, we're happy to fully refund you and remove your account. You see, what is most important to us are happy customers. Profits can wait for another day.
2. How can i add people to my team?
After you have created your first project, you will receive a guided task that introduces you to the Team section and enables you to expand your team using your friends, family & colleagues, or the community for Entrepreneurs.
4. Can I access benefits as a member?
Some of our benefits may also be available to members. However, as a rule of tumb most benefits that deliver TRUE value to you, are business partnerships that require us to pay for an account manager so unfortunately we can only make these available to entrepreneurs.