Let’s get you started on Startly. First, head over to https://getstartly.com. Here, you can select to “Try for Free” in the header at the top, or use the “get started now” call to action within the Hero element. Both will lead you straight to our registration page for the Startly App.

Start an account in 3 easy steps
Enter your Email and choose a secure password. To keep your data safe, we ask you to enter at least 8 characters, containing one Capital letter, and one number. Most browsers allow you to save your login details to make the login process easier the next time around.

By registering, you agree to our terms and conditions which you can find at the bottom of the registration prompt. We do not sell your information to third parties and only share details you explicitly ask us to make available, for any integrations you may want to use in the future.
Once you’ve created your account, we’d like to ask you to provide us with a name and your professional interests to help us address you accordingly, and offer you industry insights to topics relevant to your specific interests. You can skip this section if you don’t feel comfortable sharing these details with our community just yet.
Aaaand you're done!
After you clicked the [NEXT] button you will land on the User Account Dashboard, where you can view and manage all details of your account.